Primary 4-6

Spelling Bee Competition

A spelling bee is a competition in which contestants are asked to spell a broad selection of words, usually with a varying degree of difficulty.

To compete, contestants must recite the spelling of the chosen words successfully. The valuable learning outcome of the spelling bee results in the children gaining competency in vocabulary, and this allows them to excel at reading and writing. The ability to understand more words will allow your children to become literate and enjoy reading an extensive range of material.


After completing a research project, a presentation is a channel for students to share with others what they have learned. It is also a chance to challenge and
expand their understanding of the topic.

Through our annual research project, teachers work on enhancing the students’ presentation skills as they train them on public speaking, tone of voice, body language, creativity, and delivery.

Book Buddies

Reading Buddies is an activity that pairs different grade-level classrooms for community reading time. An upper-grade classroom connects with a lower-grade one, and students partner for time with books.

Pairing older elementary students with younger ones for community reading time has benefits for both groups. The benefits are profound.

Reading Buddies’ Activity allows younger readers to see what being fluent looks like as they have a peer model demonstrating reading skills; they can also acquire a positive role. The older students develop social and emotional skills like patience and empathy as they work with their little buddies.

And the roots of the school community deepen as classes across campus work and share together.


The school presents a number of weekly, monthly, term, and annual awards to recognize and reward excellence in student achievement, attitudes, and positive behaviour.

These awards are designed to enhance student motivation, encourage them to strive for success and/or their personal best at all times, and recognize their achievements.

مسابقة القرآن الكريم

تُولى المدرسة اهتمامًا خاصًا بحفظ كتاب الله فتعقد – سنويًا – مسابقة لحافظي القرآن الكريم، وتُعفي حملة كتاب الله الكريم من المصروفات طيلة دراسته بالمدرسة، كما تمنح الجوائز الحافظين أجزاء والأحاديث النبوية الشريف