Humanities Programme


The Egyptian culture programme for FS2 has been specially designed for MNS students to develop their curiosity and fascination about their own heritage and homeland and to provide great knowledge of Egypt’s history.

This is all done in humanities programme through weekly lessons, interesting stories, various projects, hands-on activities, and field trips. The aim is to increase the sense of belonging to their country Egypt and to be able to understand, accept and appreciate.

Key Stage 1 & Year 3

The Humanities programme is designed to:

  • Develop our students’ curiosity and fascination, not only about their own heritage and homeland but about the wider world and its people as well.
  • Help students open up windows to the world’s different civilizations, cultures, norms, history, and beliefs giving them a broad and better understanding so that they interact effectively to create a harmonious responsible society.
  • Expand the students’ general knowledge and help them understand and appreciate their culture, history, and traditions as well as understand and respect the world around them.
  • Cultivate and nurture patriotism and the love of the country in the souls of the students as Egyptian citizens.
  • Encourage students to ask questions, think critically, weigh-up evidence, and develop judgment.
  • Make learning an experience that moves beyond the classroom and strives to bring a more involved way of learning.

It is all done through weekly sessions, experiential learning, hands-on activities, and educational field Trips.

Field Trips offer the students the opportunity to have a practical understanding of Egypt’s Monuments and places of attraction. It nourishes the sense of belonging to their homeland and develops the skill of respecting and following the rules and regulations of sites as responsible young visitors.