Key Stage 2

Literacy Reading Program

Throughout the years of Key Stage 2, reading is utilised within the literacy instruction session in multiple ways. Reading is an integral part of English language instruction, and the availability of numerous opportunities to read not only enhances English language skills, but also allows students to engage with a variety of genres, texts and books in both fiction and non-fiction.

  • Guided Reading Program

Through the utilisation of levelled readers and through small-group instruction, students get a chance to read with peers of similar competence levels.

During the guided reading session, students engage in read-aloud activities which enhance reading skills through teacher instruction as well as discussion and analysis of the book read during the session, enhancing their analytical, comprehension and prediction skills.

Students then get a chance to further engage with their levelled readers for the duration of the week and assess their understanding through post-reading activities aimed at reflecting upon the topic of the reader. The nature of the books vary between fiction of different genres, non-fiction books as well as poetry and play scripts.

  • Literature Circles

From a large choice of chapter books by prominent children’s book writers such as Michael Morpurgo and Roald Dahl to the renowned classics like Phantom of the Opera and Frankenstein, students get a chance to practice independent reading skills.

Through a week-long reading task that is completed independently within the home setting, allowing the breaking down of the assigned reading into smaller increments, fostering both the habit and love of reading.

The longer chapter books are divided over multiple weeks with in-depth discussion ranging from text analysis, to writer’s style and linguistic techniques. Upon book completion, groups of students further engage in literary analysis through group presentations of one or multiple aspects of the story.

Literature circles work on a multi-faceted approach to enhance reading, analysis and reflect in literature circle, we aim at utilising age- appropriate story lines and an introduction to the most prominent and influential children’s book writers as well as an introduction to classic literature.

  • Shared Reading

Close reading is a skill taught and practised through various reading types. Reading skills such as skimming and scanning are taught and practised within class.

Through reading shorter texts, students learn the skills of skim reading for overall or main idea recognition and scan reading for information retrieval. Author’s purpose, writer’s technique and text analysis skills are further enhanced through short text reading.

Shared reading within class is also utilised as a tool to develop vocabulary recognition through using context clues, where students apply the skills learned within group and class work for integration within other reading variations and ultimately for assessments, whether formative or summative.

Numeracy Centres

During Numeracy centres, students work collaboratively in a fun generated setting to apply the knowledge they gained all week. Through activities and using hands-on manipulatives, they analyse and evaluate the learning outcomes and create original work with the guidance and the support of their teachers.

The aim is to develop their thinking and working mathematically skills, communication and presentation skills. The process of thinking and working mathematically encourages learners to talk with peers, challenge ideas, and to provide evidence that validates conjectures and solutions.

When learners are thinking and working mathematically, they actively seek to make sense of ideas and build connections between different facts, procedures and concepts.

Active learning

Active learning approach is followed by all teachers in different subject areas. It engages students in their learning by thinking, discussing, investigating, exploring and creating in class.

Students practice skills, solve problems, struggle with complex questions, make decisions, propose solutions and explain ideas in their own words through writing and discussion.

Active learning includes many benefits, among which is applying Knowledge that helps students encode information, concepts, and skills in their memories by connecting them with prior information, organizing knowledge, and strengthening neural pathways.

Working on activities helps create personal connections with the material, which increases students’ motivation to learn. Regular interaction and engagement with their peers, guided by their teachers, helps create a sense of community in the classroom, as well as accountability, character building and self-awareness.

According to recent studies, 90% of knowledge and learning is retained by peer interaction.

STEM Education

STEM education is a unique teaching approach that combines Science, Technology, Engineering and Math, and focuses on individual students’ learning styles and interests.

It is a blended learning environment that emphasises collaboration, communication, research, problem-solving, critical thinking and creativity, developing the 21st century skills that students need to be successful in today’s world realizing that our future will be built on our capacity for innovation, invention and creative problem-solving.

Science Fair and Science projects

Science fair is held annually which represents the basic demonstration of how the world of science works through research, observation and experimentation, giving them the opportunity to learn about science outside books and homework.

Science projects cover Life Science, Earth Science, Physical Science and Environmental Science. Learners enjoy their hands-on modelling of cells, organs, body systems, robots, habitats, circuits, rockets, Space, and loads. They develop their inquiry skills, presentation skill, collaboration, time management, as well as problem-solving and communication skills.

“Thinking outside the trash” is another theme where students present ideas using recycled or reused materials enhancing the eco-friendly environment, and preserving energy being proactive citizens and serving their community.

Egyptian day

EGYPT’S DAY is one of MNS top events aiming at enhancing the students’ sense of national belonging to their homeland Egypt. It acquaints them with Egypt’s rich and deeply rooted heritage of history, culture and traditions.

Christmas Event

Christmas is a very important day for celebration and having good vibes.

Book Buddies

The main purpose of our Book Buddies activity is to create a bond between the upper-grade students and our young ones through the love of reading. Moreover, it is a chance for our young students to practice their evolving reading skills.

Einstein Day

On the 14th of March, the International Pi Day, which happens to be Einstein’s birthday, the students celebrated the day by learning about Pi and how it is related to mathematics, engaged in fun activities presenting Pi with different methods.

They also studied Einstein’s life, presented facts about him and created a timeline for his life. They enjoyed enriching their knowledge with new and interesting facts on this worldwide celebrated day!

معرض اللغة العربية


مسابقة القرآن الكريم

منذ أن بدأت مدرسة نارمر المعادى للغات فى عام1996 أن تكرم حفظة القرآن الكريم من أبنائها بجوائز مادية ومعنوية ثمينة تمشيا مع ما غرسه الأب المعلم محمد كمال الرشيدى (رحمه الله) من اصرار على تحفيظ القرآن الكريم والعمل بمنهجه وهذا العام شارك فى هذا المحفل أكثر من مائة طالب وطالبة حفظ أحدهم (25) خمسة وعشرين جزءا و فى طريقه لحفظ القرآن كاملا


End of Year Performance