
Preparatory Stage

Our Preparatory School fosters our students’ strong academic and social skills. The classes are dynamic and engaging, built around critical thinking and discussions, and projects that motivate the students to explore real-world challenges and problems.


Our priority in MNS is to prepare students for the future. MNS students are provided with language learning courses aimed at developing their communicative skills for study, professional, and leisure purposes.

In our English classes, students are prepared to be effective communicators, intercultural leaders, and engaged global citizens.

  • Objective

Our main objective is to develop the student’s intellectual, individual, and professional abilities to use the English language effectively through:

  1. Acquiring basic language skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing).
  2. Developing a deeper insight into the nature and functioning of language as a social phenomenon.
  3. Developing interest in and appreciation of Literature.
  4. Developing critical thinking and literary analysis skills through engaging students in discussions and arguments that require analysing characters, events, themes, and texts, and that entail forming opinions based on justifications.
  5. Enhancing writing skills to help students develop their own powers of expression using a rich English vocabulary and expressions.
  • Curriculum

In the Preparatory Stage, the MNS English curriculum is based on Holt’s “Elements of Literature”. Through this comprehensive course, students are exposed to a wide range of intensive and extensive reading texts of both fiction and nonfiction selections.

Such texts dramatically increase the student’s understanding of the language by giving them a rock-solid foundation of sophisticated vocabulary, complex language skills, spelling rules, and a broad range of writing techniques; all presented through a well-integrated curriculum.

Elements of Literature is smoothly integrated with the national curriculum requirements. While paying special attention to reading and writing skills in a way that matches the international curriculum requirements.

Thus, with this unique integration of the national, American, and British requirements, the MNS English curriculum is finely woven to allow students not only to fit in any system but to excel as well.


The mission of the middle school math department is to provide an educational experience in mathematics, through a well-designed curriculum and a supportive learning environment, that will contribute to the development of our students as mathematical thinkers.

  • Curriculum

We are following the ministry of education curriculum while using our own methodology that encourages reflection and active engagement.

  • Our strategy

Our target is achieved through:

  1. Using mathematical applications in our daily life.
  2. Developing students’ mathematical thinking and preparing them to deal with any educational system.
  3. Improving their critical thinking skills by depending on their minds more than calculators.


  • Approach

A lot of scientific classes take place in the lab, where students are sitting in groups to participate in and observe experiments and activities while teachers closely monitor them.

Classes are taught using PowerPoint presentations, which also include movies and images to help with the visual learning process.

Numerous instructional activities, coloured graphics, and critical thinking exercises are all included in our scientific log to encourage brainstorming and to enhance learners’ understanding of scientific facts, theories, and inquiries.

  • Lab facilities

Three recently refurbished facilities owned by MNS include excellent equipment for expanding experiments, presentations, and practical applications.

Smart boards in our laboratories enable students to take full advantage of the resources through active learning to maximize student interaction.

  •  Science fair projects

Science fair projects are the best demonstration of how science works through research, observation, and experimentation. The main objective of the projects is to analyse a scientific occurrence or to solve a problem with an invention.

Science fairs allow our students to apply scientific processes to issues or questions that interest them. Projects can encourage sustained reasoning, connect the classroom to personal problems, make science relevant to everyday life, and prepare students for lifelong learning, which is our vision at MNS.

اللغـــة العربية


تدريس اللغة العربية كمهارات (استماع ـ تحدث ـ قراءة ـ كتابة)

وتطبيق ذلك من خلال فروع المادة المختلفة (قراءة ـ نصوص ـ قواعد ـ إملاء ـ تعبير)


البحث عن المعلومة وليس مجرد حفظها مع تنويع مصادر المعرفة من (صحف ـ مجلات ـ شبكة المعلومات ـ بنك المعرفة ـ كتب ودوائر معارف ـ معاجم ـ وسائل الإعلام المختلفة)

إعداد الطالب من خلال إكسابه مهارات التعلم المستمر

إتاحة الفرصة للطلاب لعرض مواهبهم اللغوية (إلقاء الشعر ونظمه ـ كتابة القصص ـ كتابة المقال …. إلخ)

إعداد الطلاب للمرحلة الثانوية بالتمهيد لبعض المهارات والمعلومات الضرورية في المرحلة المقبلة


يتعلم الطالب اللغة العربية ويكتسب مهارتها من خلال التعلم النشط المرتكز على الطالب باعتباره محور الجهودالتعليمية

 حسن التعامل مع الأنشطة المصاحبة للعملية التعليمية وتوظيفها بشكل فاعل، فالطالب هو من يقوم بإعداد وابتكاروتنفيذ الأنشطة بإشراف المعلم وتوجيهه.

الوسائل المصاحبة

كل ما يمكن أن يبسط المعلومة أو يثريها من كتب ومراجع ووسائل إعلام وشبكة المعلومات

Second language

At MNS, we are strong advocates for the importance of mastering a second language. Our priority at MNS is the development of all four language skills: Listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

According to the European learning framework, all languages are divided into 6 levels. Starting Kg2, we start offering our students French or German orally first, so they would get familiar with the sounds of the language.

Starting in primary 3, students start getting introduced to the written language, reaching level B1 by the time they graduate.