Key Stage 3

Key Stage 3 curriculum includes years 7 and 8 [Age group from 12 to 14 years old]. During this phase, they reflect the Cambridge Lower Secondary Programme in the core subjects. Literacy, Numeracy and Science, in addition to the Egyptian Ministry of Education curriculum in Arabic, Religion and Social Studies.

Alongside of this, students benefit from learning French / German as a second language, Art, ICT and Physical Education.

Our main goal is to ‘empower students to reach their fullest potential’ by developing their 21st Century skills [communication, leadership, creativity, teamwork, critical thinking, problem-solving, and organization skills] needed for building the foundation for proactive local and global citizenship.

In our Lower Secondary Programme (Key Stage 3 curriculum), teaching and learning approach is implemented through project-based learning that engages learners to think, explore, plan, monitor, analyse, reflect, evaluate and make changes to help them develop their learning during their educational journey in different subjects.

اللغة العربية  و التربية الدينية :

تهدف الماده فى مجملها المنشود الى اعداد شخصية سوية للطالب من الناحيتين التعليمية والخلقية ، وذلك لجعله قادرا على تلقى وقبول مستجدات العصر ، وما يحيط بنا من امور عامة تؤثر فى حياتنا ، وذلك بتزويده بمهارات الاطلاع والوصف والابتكار من خلال ما يكتسبه فى المدرسة من انشطه تربوية ومهارات متعدده.

.كما يوجه الطلاب لاكتساب القيم الدينية والخلقية من خلال مناهج التربية الدينية بطرق سهلة وشيقة تساعدهم على الاستفادة الحقيقية بهذه القيم مما ينعكس إيجابيًا على سلوكياتهم وأخلاقهم