Student skills

Maadi Narmer School
8 Tips to Improve Reading Skills for Students

Parents play an essential role in shaping their children’s path of learning. Every shared moment, story, and exchange of words contributes to their growth as students. Beyond the classroom, the parents’ influence continues, enriching their skills and molding them into confident learners.

Children self-confidence
Self-Confidence: The Backbone of Psychological Well-being!

You’ve likely heard the term “self-confidence” tossed around frequently. Parents advise their children to “be confident,” bosses encourage their employees to “show some self-confidence,” and teenagers often lament their perceived lack of it. But what exactly is self-confidence? Where does it spring from, and how does it shape our lives?

Early Years Foundation Stage: The Best Start in Life

The early years foundation stage – or EYFS as it’s commonly known – lays the crucial groundwork for future learning and development for young children.
While the early years may seem like “just play”, this developmentally appropriate learning style forms the basis for all future growth.