Tuesday’s Activities (Year 5 - Year 8)

String Artwork (Year 5,6&7 ) ONLY
Macramé is a type of textile ,created using knotting techniques, as opposed to weaving or knitting. The knots are square and form full-hitch and double half-hitches. The craft required only inexpensive and accessible materials like cotton twine, hemp, leather or yarn, with various beads used to enhance the piece.
Read more about Macramé

Dancing and Choreography
Learn different types of dancing techniques & participate in the end of year Performance.

The Film Review Club focuses on one film per week (Years 7&8) ONLY
Discussion about the movie/ documentary, reviewing the piece of work (director's vision/ comparing to the original script) and Casting, budget, location, trivia (IMDB) and making posters for the movie and Comparative study (The prisoner of Zenda Egyptian and English adaptations, for example) and the art of creating animation movies development (past and present)

Origami Art (Year 6,7 &8) ONLY
Origami is the art of paper folding, art of folding objects out of paper to create both two-dimensional and three-dimensional subjects Students use it to make useful things such as wallets and accessories that develop their creativity and innovation.
Read more about Origami

Be part of our Boys Soccer team and show your skills during our MNS Sports day.
Read more about MNS sports day

Be part of our Handball team and show your skills during our MNS Sports day.

Cross Fit (Years 5,6,7&8)
Students will train to build their physical fitness, strength and endurance.
Read more about Sports Day National

Math Club (Years 5,6,7&8)
Math games , riddles, activities (board games), building models, testing concepts and relating mathematical concepts to real life.

Dodgeball (Years 5,6,7&8)
Be part of our school’s dodgeball team and show your skills during our MNS Sports day.

Chess (Year 6,7&8) ONLY
Students will learn the basic skills of chess.

Beads, threads and charms
Enjoy working with different colored thread? Do you like those colorful pieces of jewelry you see In the shop? During ‘Beading, Threading and charms you will enjoy making friendship bracelets to share with your friends or a colorful anklet or necklets made with your own hands.

Table tennis (Years 5,6,7&8)
Be part of our school’s table tennis team and show your skills during our MNS Sports day

Basketball (Years 5,6,7&8)
Be part of our school’s table tennis team and show your skills during our MNS Sports day

Vollyball (Years 5,6,7&8)
Be part of our school’s table tennis team and show your skills during our MNS Sports day